Indeed, a great pillar has fallen. Hajiya Hassana Abdullahi (Nna), a twin sister to my Mum and a princess of the royal clan of Etsu Bawa, answered Allah’s ultimate call on Friday, September 15th, 2023.
Tears roll down my face uncontrollably, knowing fully well that I can no longer see you. I can’t buy that bottle of water for you anymore, nor can I buy apples for you. My sallah meat and food will no longer go to you.
Indeed, death is inevitable, and I’m going to miss you greatly, my Nna. I’ll miss your rice and stew that you always kept for me when I visited. You would always say, “I know you like rice; eat, oooo.”
My Nna was very smart, intelligent, and a disciplinarian. She had always been a mother to all.
I’ll miss your local delicacies, the madidi, locust beans (daddawa), and starch, which you would always package for me when I visited or send whenever you had someone visiting.
Towards the end of her life, my Nna called me and said, “You know I can trust you with this assignment. Look for your relations because one day I will not be alive to tell you who this person is. Create a forum for you all to know each other.”
I am proud that I was able to grant her wish, gathering over 50 grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the Etsu Bawa clan.
I became the most favorite of all her children. She confided in me with most issues concerning her own twin (my Mother) and most of my siblings.
My Nna was a blunt and straightforward person. Whether it was bitter or sweet, she would always tell you the truth. She was an inspiration.
My eyes are heavy with tears, and I can’t control their flow. My Nna was an inspiring soul, always there for all who came to her with their troubles.
My Nna tried all she could to strengthen kingship, even when she was ill; she never stopped reaching out to her people, whether far or near.
I don’t know when these tears will stop flowing. A great pillar has fallen.
I love you dearly, my Nna. I am utterly heartbroken that you are gone forever. It’s so hard to face reality. Goodbye. My heart bleeds a little more with each passing moment.
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