Kano Times

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Nigeria and The Challenge in The Age of Globalization (I), By Abbati Bako

Globalization Policy seems to be the current global direction in the world. In the past 350 years (or so) there were about 700 Millions people on earth. By the year 1970 there were about 3B population world wide. But by the year 2012 the global population enlarged to 7 Billions and by the year 2023 the global population enlarged again to 8.2 Billions.

Research indicates that the U.N’s projection affirm that before the end of this century, the global population will reach more than 10 Billions and Africa’s population will be 40% of global population and unfortunately 80% of global poorer (people) will be in Africa. The current Western World population has been about 15% of global population and the rest of the global population are within South South Nations. How far population control in Africa?


In 1960th the population of Nigeria was 35M (late Sir Abubakar Tafawabalewa’s address in the United Nations’ Assembly after independence) this means that about 190M people were born in Nigeria after the Independence.

The result of Nigeria’s head count in 1973 was 80 million plus. But by the year 2006, the Nigeria’s population was about 150 million. And again, present estimate indicates that Nigeria’s population is more than 200 million.

Therefore, Nigeria is now among the top 10 most populous nation in the world (No6). The U.N asserts that Nigeria’s population will enlarge to about 400 Millions by the year 2050 and by the year 2100, the Nigeria’s population will reach about 800 million. So, Nigeria will be the third most populous nation after India and China and then United States of America.


  1. Economy
  2. Education
  3. Health care
  4. Security
  5. Agriculture
  6. Energy
  7. Environment
  8. Employment
  9. Science, technology and innovation
    10.Foreign relations, and Foreign Direct Investments (FDI)
  10. Trade/commerce and industrialization
  11. Governance and political system
  12. Sports
    14.Water resources
  13. Infrastructures
  14. Housing
  15. Population control
  16. Communication and information technology/Artificial intelligence
  17. Global direction or global views???

After the disappearance of Covid-19 for example Saudi Arabia planned to spend $500B in the next ten years on security and again, decided to build a new city worth $500B that will be 8times larger than New York City in the United States of America. What is Nigeria’s plans under Tinubu’s government by the year 2030 and beyond? And how can those serialize strategic planning be achieved?


According to the “Concise Dictionary of Politics 2003, N/Y” : globalization means” Inter-dependance and modernization, the rapid expansion of international trade and investment, the increased of ecological inter-dependence, the declining utility of military power and the increasing power of non-state actors”. Hence, can that be achieved?

On the other hand, the authors of the book titled “Globalization and the Third World Economy” (impact and challenges in the 21st century, Nigeria, 2004) by J. S. Odama& E. A. Ayedun: observed that “Globalization connotes a presence, the process of “making global”, “being present world wide” “at the world stage” or “global arena”. These imply visibility, immediacy or availability. Thus an issue, object, value(s), institutions or practices are globalized if either through commerce, production, consumption, politics and information technology it is visible or considered relevant in global centres”. What is the achievement of Nigeria (so far) in the past 30 years?

For Professor Tatah Mentan in his book titled “Held Together by Pin (Liberal Democracy Under Siege in Africa, Eritrea, 2007)” opined that ” First, globalization is a process of building connections between regions of the world”. How far Nigeria achieve in economy, security challenges, industrial productions, agriculture, communication, education, water resources, housing/environmental degradation, population control etc? What of corruption and stagflationess which are the root causes of the current hardships amongst Nigerians especially the downtrodden?

But in the book titled “The Globalization of World Politics by John Belis/Steve Smith/Patricia Owen and others, N/Y, 2008/2020” observed that “Globalization—simply the widening, deepening and speeding up of world wide interconnectedness—is a contentious issue in the study of world politics”. How connected is Nigeria in terms of foreign policy and global economic interplay?

Other questions are— what impact did the globalization make to the Nigerian nation since early 1990s and the coronavirus and after the disappearance of Covid-19? What has been the result? What will be the possible future challenges and solutions? How can the APC/Bola Tinubu’s administration prepare and serialize strategic plans for the benefits of future generations on all the issues mentioned above? Nigeria is a debtor Nation and depends on crude oil for foreign earnings. How can Nigeria be out of debtordness?

To be continued (InSha’Allah)
Abbati Bako,psc,bsis,Kent,UK and political strategy and communication consultant IPRC, Nigeria and Researcher in International Politics In Skyline University Kano, Nigeria

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